Shipment Management

Operational Locations

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Location Manager. From the Routing tab, click New in the Operational Locations section.

When transporting goods to and from ports, airports, or rail ramps, there can be different points where goods are picked up or delivered. These points are known as Operational Locations.

Note: Operational locations can only be assigned to locations with a location role of Port, Airport, or Rail Ramp.

For example, a port can have several terminals. Some carriers may only service certain terminals, certain products can only be picked up or delivered to certain terminals, or some terminals can only be used for loading vessels while others can only be used for unloading vessels.

This allows you to not only plan shipments to the Port of New York, but you can specify through an Operational Location that the shipment be routed to the Brooklyn Marine Terminal at the Port of New York.

You can assign any number of Operational Locations to a location.

Note: In order for shipments to be planned to Operational Locations, you must designate to Use Operational Locations on the appropriate itinerary leg.

Adding an Operational Location:

  1. Enter a unique identifier in the Operational Location ID field.
  2. Enter the Primary Leg Service Provider ID. This identifies a carrier as the Primary Leg of the Itinerary servicing this Operational Location. For example, in the Philadelphia Airport, USAirways is the only airline that flies in and out of Terminal B.
  3. Enter the Primary Leg Location Profile ID. This identifies the location where the vessel can go to if loading freight, or come from if unloading freight.
  4. Enter the Primary Leg Inclusion Region ID. This is the region of locations that are compatible with the opposing location on the shipment.
  5. Enter the Primary Leg Exclusion Region ID. This is the region of locations that are not compatible with the opposing location on shipment.
  6. Select an option from the Primary Leg Inbound/Outbound drop-down list. You are provided with the following options to specify the vessel as:
    • Inbound: it is coming into the location to unload product.
    • Outbound: it will be leaving the location so it will be loading product.
    • Inbound/Outbound: it is used for both inbound and outbound.

Related Topics

Itinerary - Leg Detail

Location Roles