Order Management

Build Shipment with Valid Itineraries

This page is accessed via Order Management > Order Movement > Order Movement > Actions > Operational Planning > Create Shipment > Build Shipment with Valid Itineraries.

Use this action to build a shipment from an order movement. The order movement(s) must have a status of OM_PLANNING-NEW, OM_PLANNING-UNSCHEDULED, or OM_PLANNING-FAILED.

Your order movement must have a Source and Destination Location.

If the orders have different priorities, OTM will not let the bundling go through.

Oracle Transportation Management does the following:

  • Builds the cheapest shipment possible after trying all valid itineraries.
  • Sets the status of the order movement to OM_PLANNING-PLANNED-FINAL.
  • If your order movement has no destination location, Oracle Transportation Management populates it with the destination location Oracle Transportation Management chose for the shipment.
  • If your order movement has no source location, Oracle Transportation Management populates it with the source location Oracle Transportation Management chose for the shipment.
  • If your downstream order movement has no source location, Oracle Transportation Management populates it with the destination location of the shipment.
  • If your upstream order movement has no destination Location, Oracle Transportation Management populates it with the source location of the shipment.
  • Sets Operational Early Pickup of downstream order movement to end time for the shipment you created + Estimated Transit Time of downstream Order Movement.
  • Sets Operational Late Delivery on upstream Order Movement to Start Time of shipment you created.

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