Operational Planning

Bulk Plan Order Movements Action

This page is accessed via Operational Planning > Process Management using the Bulk Continuous Move, Bulk Plan Order Movements, and Bulk Plan Order Releases processes

Use this action to bulk plan a set of order movements. If some of the selected order movements are already planned on shipments which are not executed they will be unassigned from the shipments and routed together with the rest of the order movements. If the order movements have a status of OM_PLANNING_EXECUTED-FINAL, then they will not be unassigned.

The general idea of bulk plan order movements is to start with main leg of the order movements. Then plan the order movements on the leg left/right next to the main leg; that is, the order movements with a leg position of -1. After planning the left side of main leg, plan the right side of main leg starting from position +1 until the last order movement.

Based on priority, bulk plan of order movements will consider the order movements priority in order bundling, container optimization, multi-stop consolidation and service provider assignment.

When you run this action you are presented with several options.

  1. Select a Parameter Set ID. Different parameter sets may have different bulk plan parameters specified.
  2. Enter a Description for the bulk plan.
  3. Enter a Scenario Group for the bulk plan. You may query on bulk plans by scenario group to limit the results returned by the query.
  4. Select the What-If Scenario check box if you do not want shipments to be generated.
  5. Click OK.

The Order Movement bulk planning process follows these stages:

Retrieve Order Movements in Containers

For selected order movements in a group, if an order movement has the Re-use Equipment check box marked, Oracle Transportation Management finds the equipment and retrieves all the order movements inside each container as they will be bulk planned together.

Order Movement Grouping and Group Sequencing Logic

The order movements to be planned are grouped, and the order movement groups are then planned in turn:

  1. Consider order movements with different perspectives separately (i.e., plan buy and sell order movements separately).
  2. Group the order movements based on parameter settings (see below).
  3. Sort the order movement groups based on parameter settings (see below).
  4. For each order movement group in turn, plan the order movements in that group onto shipments.

The grouping of order movements, and the sorting of the order movement groups, depends upon how parameters are set. There are three configurations:

Configuration 1 - Grouping by Original Leg Position

Order movements with the same original leg position are put in the same group. Original leg position depends upon where this leg is in relation to the primary leg. The primary leg has original leg position 0, the leg before the primary leg has -1, and the leg after has 1, the leg after that has 2, and so on.

Sequence the groups in the following manner:

  • First Group: Original Leg Position = 0 (if any)
  • Second Group: Original Leg Position = -1 (if any)
  • Third Group: Original Leg Position = -2 (if any)... until all the order movements on the left of main leg are grouped.
    • Nth group: Original Leg Position = 1 (if any)
    • N+1th group: Original Leg Position = 2 (if any)...until all the order movements on the right of the main leg are grouped.

Configuration 2: Grouping by Leg Classification

This will be used when the parameter BULK PLAN ORDER MOVEMENTS BY LEG CLASSIFICATION is set to true (regardless of the setting of ALLOW DIFF ORIG LEG GID OMS parameter).

Order Movements for legs with the same Leg Classification ID are put in the same group.

Configuration 3: Grouping by Leg Consolidation Group

This will be used when the parameter ORDER ROUTING METHOD is set to "Network Routing" (regardless of the setting of the previously described parameters).

Order Movements for legs with the same Leg Consolidation Group ID are put in the same group.

For both Leg Classification and Leg Consolidation Group, the order movement groups are sequenced by the sequencing factor (on either the Leg Classification or the Leg Consolidation Group).

The groups are sequenced by the sequencing factor, ignoring any negative sign. For example:

  • First Group: Sequencing factor = 0
  • Second Group: Sequencing factor = -1
  • Third Group: Sequencing factor = 1
  • Fourth Group: Sequencing factor = -2
  • Fifth Group: Sequencing factor = 2

The groups with a negative sequencing factor will be planned as late as possible.

Shared Equipment

Regardless of which grouping method is used, order movements that are already associated with a planned equipment will be in their own group. For example, if leg 2 re-uses the equipment of leg 1, and if leg 1 order movements are already planned, then the leg 2 order movements will be grouped by the equipment planned for their corresponding leg 1 order movements.

For each order movement group, perform bundling logic.

Order Movement Bundling

Different from an order release, an order movement is associated with the original leg it was created from and a leg that was first copied from the original leg but later can be modified by users. Oracle Transportation Management first converts an order movement into an order movement bundle and applies the constraints defined on the leg to the order movement bundle. These constraints include items such as service provider profile, equipment group profile, transport mode profile, rate offering, and rate record.

When bundling order movements Oracle Transportation Management takes the intersection of two order movement's source locations, and intersection of their destination locations.

Only order movements with the same original leg ID can be bundled together.

Order movements inside the same container must be bundled together, or else all the order movements inside the container will be left unplanned for manual intervention.

In order to reduce the interleaving of order movements and containers when booking an order on the sea transport leg, if the order is containerized Oracle Transportation Management creates multiple order movements, one for each container, for the pre-transport legs as well as the land transport legs.

There are two different types of order movement bundles, with or without containers attached. Building shipments for them uses slightly different logic.

Build Shipments for Order Movement Bundles with or Without Containers

Build shipments for each order movement bundle use the original leg and based on the bundling logic described previously, each order movement bundle would have only one original leg.

Note that shipment created from an order movement bundle with container would have only one shipment equipment. Shipments created from an order movement bundle without containers may have multiple pieces of shipment equipment depending on whether the order movement bundle was split and the Create Single Shipment flag on the original leg. Since containers are originated from the ocean leg, none of these shipment equipment should be container. Therefore, to determine whether a shipment is built from an order movement with or without container, Oracle Transportation Management looks at the Container flag from the only the equipment  on the shipment.

For all the shipments built that contain containers, send it to a same source/destination consolidation process to build multi-container shipments.

Shipments Relinking and Committing

For all the resulting shipments that are built, links between these shipments and related downstream/upstream (already in the database) are created. Links between planned order movements with upstream/downstream shipments are deleted.

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