Order Management

Move to Consol Shipment

This page is accessed via Order Management > Order Movement > Order Movement > Actions > Operational Planning > Create Shipment > Move to Consol Shipment.

Note: This action cannot be run on order movements that are not associated with order releases.

You can only select one order movement to be moved to a consol shipment. This action requires your order movement to have a source and destination location.

Note: If you select an order movement that is already on a shipment, Oracle Transportation Management unassigns the order movement before continuing.

The Obey All Terminal Open Times check box, which is located at the bottom of the Move to Consol Shipment action page, defaults to being selected (i.e., the field has a value of 'True'). When you clear the check box (i.e., giving it a 'False' value), the impact is that you are allowed to add order movements to a voyage in spite of previous related order movement delivery time windows no longer overlapping.

After you select equipment to perform the move, the system unassigns the order movements and moves the order to the specified consol or shipment.


  • Selected order movements should either contain consol leg or non-consol leg order movements.
  • Selected order movements are on a reuse leg and there are more than one consol leg in the reuse legs. This is not a valid setup.
  • All order movements on consol leg should be planned first when reusing equipment.
  • Selected order movements must have the same travel path to perform this action.

 For example, let’s look at the following order movements with middle leg consol:

    1. OM11    ----   OM12 (consol and Reuse) — OM13 (Reuse)
    2. OM21   ----   OM22(consol) ---- OM23(Reuse)
    3. OM31   ----   OM32(consol) ---- OM33

In this example, middle leg order movements (OM12, OM22, and OM32) use consol.  

In the first case, all three legs reuse the same shipment equipment.

In the second case, only middle leg (OM22) and last leg (OM23) reuse the same shipment equipment and there is no reuse of shipment equipment in the third case.

If you select OM12 and OM22 or OM22 and OM32 or OM12 and OM32 or OM12, OM22, and OM32, OTM throws an error because these selected order movements don't have the same travel path.

OTM enables you to select order movements to all types of consol shipment (Flight, Chartered Voyage, and Ocean FCL).

Note: In case of reuse leg order movement, OTM plans order movements on consol leg first and only Ocean FCL consol is applicable. OTM will not consider Flight and Chartered Voyage consol.

Ocean FCL consol shipments contains multiple shipment equipment, so when you add order movement on such shipment, order movement can be split into multiple shipment equipment and additional order movements will be created, i.e, one order movement per shipment equipment.

If the split order movement has reuse leg order movement, this reuse leg order movement will also be split and share the same shipment ship unit with the consol leg order movement.

For example, let's look at consol shipment with reuse equipment:

A consol shipment can be used by multiple legs. You may have a consol shipment with shipment equipment which has different travel paths. For example, the below three itineraries have middle consol leg:

  1. Itinerary 1:  Leg 1 – Leg 2(consol, reuse) – Leg 2 (reuse). (all three legs reuse the same shipment equipment)
  2. Itinerary 2: Leg 4 – Leg 5(consol) – Leg 6 (reuse).  (middle leg and last leg share the same shipment equipment)
  3. Itinerary 3: Leg 7 – Leg 8 (consol) - Leg 9 (no reuse)

When an Ocean FCL has four shipment equipment:  

  • Order1 uses Itinerary 1 planned on the consol into shipment equipment 1 then shipment equipment1 has a travel path which goes through all three legs.
  • Order2 uses Itinerary 2 planned on the consol into shipment equipment 2 then shipment equipment 2 has a travel path which goes through middle leg and last leg.
  • Order3 uses itinerary 3 planned on the consol into shipment equipment 3 then shipment equipment 3 has a travel path which goes through just the middle leg.
  • Shipment equipment 4 is empty.

Let’s look at few scenarios, when you run the Move to Consol Shipment action:

Case 1: OM11 —  OM12 (Reuse) — OM13 (Reuse):  When you select OM12 and run this action, the only shipment equipment on this consol that are valid to use is either shipment equipment 1 (with same travel path) or shipment equipment 4(which is empty).

Case2:  OM21 — OM 22 — OM23(Reuse): When you select OM22 and run this action, the only shipment equipment on this consol that are valid to use is either shipment equipment 2 (with same travel path) or shipment equipment 4.           

Case 3:OM31   —  OM32 — OM33: When you select OM32 and run this action, the only shipment equipment on this consol that are valid to use is shipment equipment 3(with same travel path), or shipment equipment 4(empty).


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