Create Multi-Stop Shipment (Buy or Sell)

This action is accessed via:

  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release or Order Release with Stops > Actions> Operational Planning > Create Sell Shipment or Create Buy Shipment > Multi-stop
  • Brokerage and Forwarding > Booking > Freight Forwarding > Actions> Operational Planning > Create Sell Shipment or Create Buy Shipment > Multi-stop

Use this action to create multi-stop shipments from order releases with different source and destination locations. When you create a shipment from an order release, Oracle Transportation Management determines the equipment group, costs, stop times, the stop sequence, and itinerary for the new shipment according to the rules of shipment planning logic.

A multi-stop shipment is a shipment that uses a single service provider and equipment with one or more pickup and delivery stops. A multi-stop shipment is built from multiple order releases and there must be an itinerary and rate offering that can support multi-stop planning.

Note: You must configure the appropriate parameters to accommodate multi-stop shipment planning.

At a minimum, you must assign the rate offerings that you want to use for multi-stop planning in the Planning Rates menu option before you can build any multi-stop shipment.

Note: The order release Status Type and Value are set to PLANNING_PLANNED FINAL after a shipment is successfully created.

If you have activated Rate Preferences in Power Data and defined a Rate Preference, Oracle Transportation Management will, for each transport mode, select only among your preferred rates when building your shipment.

Buy vs. Sell

Oracle Transportation Management creates buy or sell (perspective) shipments depending on the action you selected.

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