Create Direct Shipment (Buy or Sell)

This page is accessed via:

  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release > Actions > Operational Planning > Create Buy Shipment or Create Sell Shipment > Direct
  • Brokerage and Forwarding > Booking > Freight Forwarding > Actions > Create Buy Shipment or Create Sell Shipment > Direct

Use this action to create shipments from one or more order releases. When you create a shipment from an order release, Oracle Transportation Management determines the equipment group, costs, stop times, the stop sequence, and itinerary for the new shipment according to the rules of shipment planning. If OTM selects a multi-leg itinerary, the order releases will be planned onto the shipment on each leg. If the network routing logic is turned on, the order releases may be planned on multiple shipments through a routing network.

Note: You can also constrain a shipment to use specific equipment by entering an equipment group or equipment group profile. In this case, Oracle Transportation Management does not determine the best equipment but assigns the equipment that you supply. Leave these fields blank if you want Oracle Transportation Management to determine the equipment.

If you attempt to build a shipment from group order releases that cannot be bundled together, you receive a bundling error message. All order releases must pass the bundling rules during shipment planning before a shipment is created using this action. If the orders have different priorities, OTM will not let the bundling go through.

You can create individual shipments for each release or you can use the Bulk Plan Orders action to create the optimal shipment solution.

Once a shipment is created, you can use the Shipment Manager to modify the content or perform additional actions such as tendering the shipment to a service provider and so on.

Note: The order release Status Type and Value are set to PLANNING_PLANNED FINAL after a shipment is successfully created.

If you have activated Rate Preferences in Power Data and defined a Rate Preference, Oracle Transportation Management will, for each transport mode, select only among your preferred rates when building your shipment.

Buy vs. Sell

Oracle Transportation Management creates buy or sell (perspective) shipments depending on the action you selected.

Removing the Equipment Prompt (System Administrators only)

If you do not want the Equipment prompt to appear for this action, follow these instructions:

In the ACTION_DEF_STATE table in the Oracle Transportation Management database, there are 3 records with an ACTION_DEF_GID of " GET_EQUIPMENT_GROUP_AND_PROFILE" and each has a STATE of "create", "get", and "results" perspectively. You will notice that currently IS_DEFAULT is "Y" for "get" state. If you change this to "N" and then set the "create" state to "Y" Oracle Transportation Management will not display the Equipment prompt.

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