Order Management

Change Pickup & Delivery Dates

This page is accessed via Order Management > Order Release > Order Release > Actions > Order Management > Utilities > Change Pickup and Delivery Dates.

Use this action to perform an update of Date/Time fields such as Early Pickup Date, Late Pickup Date, Early Delivery Date, and Late Delivery Date for one or more Order Releases. This can be done by entering a new date/time for any of these fields or by specifying a number of days, hours, or minutes to add to these fields. One or more of the fields can be changed for one or more Order Releases.

After you enter your updates, Oracle Transportation Management displays a list of the Order Releases with the new date/times for each of the four fields.

For each field displayed, enter a new Date/Time, a Duration to be added to the current Date in days (D), hours (H), or minutes ( M), or neither.

Note: Do not enter a Date and Duration for any given field.

If a new Early Pickup Date/Time is entered, Oracle Transportation Management sets the Early Pickup Date of each selected order release to the new value. If a Duration is entered, Oracle Transportation Management will add that value to the Early Pickup date of each selected order release. If both values are blank, then the Early Pickup Date remains unchanged. The same logic is true for the Late Pickup Date, Early Delivery Date, and Late Delivery Date.

The Duration fields allow you to enter positive or negative durations. Oracle Transportation Management also checks the dates to enure that early dates are less than or equal to the late dates.

If for some reason an error occurs on a particular order release, Oracle Transportation Management stops processing. All previous order releases are saved and all remaining order releases remain unchanged.

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