Order Management

Manually Create Shipment

Note: Manager layout capability is added to this action so that you can customize the input page (i.e. hide some fields, make some fields mandatory, etc.). In the Screen Set Manager, you are provided with the Action options:
Manual: Select this option to avail the action as a manager layout. By default, this is available on the finder actions.
Manual (Deprecated): Select this option to avail the action as a regular web action page.

This action is accessed via:

Order Management > Order Release > Order Release > Actions > Operational Planning > Create Buy Shipment > Manual.

Order Management > Order Release > Order Release with Stops > Actions > Operational Planning > Create Buy Shipment > Manual.

Note: If you want to use the Manual action from the Create Sell Shipment action then add the action from the custom screen set of order release and order release with stops. 

Use this action to manually create a shipment for order releases and ignore the standard shipment planning logic (for example, no evaluation of itineraries when building a manual shipment).

The order release cannot already be on a shipment and must have a status value of either PLANNING_NEW, PLANNING_UNSCHEDULED, or PLANNING_PLANNED - FAILED.

If the orders have different priorities, OTM will not let the bundling go through.

You can specify the following (all are optional unless otherwise specified):

  • Transportation Mode (required)
  • Rate Offering
  • Equipment Group
  • Service Provider (required)
  • Estimated Service Time - if the property is defined, defaults from property: glog.webserver.shipment.manualBuild.estimatedServiceTime
  • Estimated Cost - if the property is defined, defaults from property: glog.webserver.shipment.manualBuild.estimatedCost

    Note: If you enter a cost in the Estimated Cost field, the shipment will use that cost instead of any cost information provided by a rate offering that would otherwise be connected to the shipment.

  • Perspective (Buy or Sell)  

If you specify a rate offering, any rate offering constraints such as Min/Max Weight are ignored.

Note: If you leave the Estimated Service Time and Cost fields blank, the system calculates these values on the new shipment. However, you must enter a service provider if you do not enter the estimated service time, or have the estimated service time default from the property.

These entries override any constraints that you may have entered on the order (Constraints tab).

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