Order Management

Plot Related Shipments

This page is accessed via the Order Release Manager (accessed via Order Management > Order Release > Order Release). Then select Actions > Order Management > View.

The Plot Related Shipments action displays a predecessor/successor view of related shipments without any relation to time. Each shipment is represented by a solid bar with Source and Destination location endpoints. The endpoints of related shipments are connected. The Indicator and shipment ID also appear inside the bar. To view additional details about the shipment, mouse over any section of the bar.

The color of a shipment bar indicates its transportation mode. Click Legend to view which colors represent which transportation modes. The color configuration for transportation modes can be modified using the Transport Modes Power Data menu option (under Rates & Codes).

Click Zoom and select a value to change the magnification of the shipment bar. Higher numbers display lower magnification.

Click Summaries to display a menu of additional choices. These menu items are designed to display additional details about the shipments you are viewing on this page.

Note: Oracle Transportation Management displays an error when trying to plot complex related shipments such as those that are part of cross-dock/pool scenario where many connector lines would cross.

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