Order Management

Order Routing Rule Details

This page is accessed via Order Management > Power Data > Order Configuration > Routing Rule Detail.

Order Routing Rule Details allow you to view the specifics of your order routing rules.

Order Routing Rule

For details on these fields, see Order Routing Rules.

Reference Numbers

If reference numbers were entered on the Routing Rule, they are displayed here.


  1. Enter a Lane.
  2. Enter the Minimum Transit Days and the Maximum Transit Days.
  3. Enter the Minimum and Maximum Weight.
  4. Enter the Minimum and Maximum Volume.


  1. Enter a Transport Mode ID.
  2. Enter a Service Provider ID.
  3. Enter a Rate Service ID.
  4. Enter a Payment Method Code.
  5. Select the Override Payment Method check box if you want the payment method on the rule to override the payment method on the order.
  6. Click Finished.

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