Order Management

Ship Unit Calculation Logic

This topic describes how Oracle Transportation Management calculates the number of ship units for an order release when the Packaged Item Specification and Count are specified on order base line. These calculations are made when you are using the following release types specified on the order base:


The following assumptions are made:

  • All Packaged Item Specifications on the full ship units and partial ship unit (except the last one on the partial ship unit) contain the same number of packaged items.
  • The last Packaged Item Specification on the partial ship unit may contain fewer packaged items.

In another words, all Packaged Item Specifications are full except for the last Packaged Item Specification on the partial ship unit.

The calculation is based on the following 3-level hierarchy when a Packaged Item Specification and Count are specified on order base line item:

  • Ship Unit
    • Packaged Item Specification
      • Packaged Item
  • Use the Number of Inner Packs of Packaged Item as the Packaged Item Count within each full Packaged Item Specification.
  • If the Number of Inner Packs is not specified on Packaged Item, then use Total Package Count and Item Package Specification Count from Order Base Line to calculate the Packaged Item Count in a full Packaged Item Specification:

                                                            Total Package Count

Item Count per Item Specification =  ___________________________  (rounded to the next integer)

                                 Item Package Specification Count


                                                                    To-be-release Item Count

To-be-released Item Specification Count =  ____________________________  

                                           Item Count per Item Specification

Note: The Number of Inner Packs of Packaged Item is used before the user-entered Total Package Count and the Item Package Specification Count is used to calculate the Item Count per Item Specification. To be consistent, when releasing full amount, the calculated To Be Released Item Specification Count replaces the user-entered Item Package Specification Count.

  • Capacity per Ship Unit = Number of Layers on Transport Handling Unit x Quantity per Layer
    (Here the Capacity per Ship Unit represents the Item Specification Capacity.

                                      To-be-released Item Specification Count
Ship Unit Count Full
 =  ________________________________   (rounded to the next integer)

                                                 Capacity per Ship Unit

  • On the full Ship Units, Item Specification Count Full = Ship Unit Count Full x Capacity Per Ship Unit
  • On the partial Ship Unit, Item Specification Count Partial = To-be-released Item Specification Count - Item Specification Count Full  (Rounded up to the next integer so that it takes into account the partial Item Specification on the partial ship unit.)
  • On the full Ship Units, Item Count Full = Item Count Per Item Specification x Item Specification Count Full
  • On the partial Ship Unit, Item Count Partial = To-be-released Item Count - Item Count Full
  • On the partial Ship Unit, the last Packaged Item Specification may not be full and contains:

Item Count Partial - Item Count per Item Specification x (Item Specification Count Partial - 1)

  • When calculating the weight and volume of the full ship unit and ship unit line, use the following Packaged Item percentage instead of the Packaged Item Specification percentage to allocate the release weight and volume:

                                                    Item Count Full

Item Count Percent Full =  ___________________________

                     To-be-released Item Count


    Item Count Percent Partial = 1 - Item Count Percent Full


The next section describes how Oracle Transportation Management calculates the number of ship units for an order release when the Packaged Item Specification and Count are not specified on order base line. The calculation is based on the following 2-level hierarchy

  • Ship Unit
    • Packaged Item
  • Capacity Per Ship Unit = Number of Layers on Transport Handling Unit x Quantity Per Layer
    Here Capacity per Ship Unit represents Item Capacity.

                                        To-be-release Item Count
Ship Unit Count Full
 =  _________________________   (rounded to the next integer)

                                          Capacity per Ship Unit

  • On the full ship units, Item Count Full = Ship Unit Count Full x Capacity per Ship Unit
  • On the partial ship unit, Item Count Partial = To-be-released Item Count - Item Count Full

                                                  Item Count Full
Item Count Percent Full
 =  _________________________

                                            To-be-released Item Count

  • Item Count Percent Partial = 1 - Item Count Percent Full

Ship Unit Calculation Examples

Example 1

Ordered Item Count                        1200
Ordered Item Specification (box) Count      40
Number of Layers on Transport Handling Unit (pallet)       2
Quantity per Layer on Transport Handling Unit (pallet)     4

Releasing 800 out of 1200:
From the Number of Inner Packs of Packaged Item, Item Count per Item Specification = 30

Capacity Per Pallet    2 x 4 = 8
Full Pallet Count       26.67/8 = 3.33 (rounded down to 3)

On the 3 full pallets, Number of Boxes = 3 x 8 = 24
On the partial pallet, Number of Boxes = 26.67 - 24 = 2.67, rounded up to 3
On the 3 full pallets, Number of Items = 30 x 24 = 720
On the partial pallet, Number of Items = 800 - 720 = 80
On the partial pallet, the first two boxes contain 30 items each, the last box contains 80 - 30 x (3 - 1) = 20.

Example 2

Using the same order:

Ordered Item Count                      1200
Ordered Item Specification (box) Count    40
Number of Layers on Transport Handling Unit (pallet)     2
Quantity per Layer on Transport Handling Unit (pallet)   4

Releasing 1000 out of 1200:

From the Number of Inner Packs of Packaged Item, Item Count per Item Specification = 30

Number of Boxes to be released: 1000/30 = 33.3 (rounded down to 3)
Capacity Per Pallet: 2 x 4 = 8
Full Pallet Count: 33.33/8 = 4.17 (rounded down to 4)

On the 4 full pallets, Number of Boxes = 4 x 8 = 32
On the partial pallet, Number of Boxes = 33.33 - 32 = 1.33, rounded up to 2
On the 4 full pallets, Number of Items = 30 x 32 = 960
On the partial pallet, Number of Items = 1000 - 960 = 40
On the partial pallet, the first box contains 30 items, the last box contains 40 - 30 x (2 - 1) = 10.

In Example 1, each full pallet contains 720 x 3 = 240 items. In Example 2, each full pallet contains 960 x 4 = 240. Now each pallet contains the same number of items. As a result, the weight and volume are the same as well.

Example 3

Ordered Item Count                     1000
Ordered Item Specification (box) Count   34
Number of Layers on Transport Handling Unit (pallet)    2
Quantity per Layer on Transport Handling Unit (pallet)  4

Releasing all 1000 items:

From the Number of Inner Packs of Packaged Item, Item Count per Item Specification = 30

Number of Boxes to be released: 1000/30 = 33.33 (This replaces the user-entered box count 34, even though they may be the same.)
Capacity per Pallet: 2 x 4= 8

Full Pallet Count: 33.33/8 = 4.17 (rounded down to 4)

On the 4 full pallets, Number of Boxes = 4 x 8 = 32
On the partial pallet, Number of Boxes = 33.33 - 32 = 1.33, rounded up to 2
On the 4 full pallets, Number of Items = 30 x 32 = 960
On the partial pallet, Number of Items = 1000 - 960 = 40
On the partial pallet, the first box contains 30 items, the last box contains 40 - 30 x (2 - 1) = 10.

When AUTO CALC UNIQUE is selected:

For the 4 full pallets, 4 individual ship unit records with a ship unit count of 1 are created.

On each record:

Number of Boxes = 32 / 4 = 8
Number of Items = 960 / 4 = 240

The total number released = 240 x 4 + 40 = 1000

We are releasing all 1000 items and the result is that 1000 items are released with zero remaining on the order base.

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