Order Management

Ship Unit Height Calculation

This topic describes how Oracle Transportation Management calculates the height of ship units for an order release. The ship unit height calculation is as follows:

  1. Ship unit height estimating is invoked only when In/On/Max for the THU is 'On' and TiHi cannot be used. OTM has no way to accurately calculate the height.
  2. The logic configuration parameter ESTIMATE SHIP UNIT HEIGHT impacts this. When THU is on and ship unit height cannot be calculated due to lack of TiHi to use, this property controls if OTM will estimate the ship unit height using ship unit net volume or not. The default is FALSE.
  3. Height is initially estimated by dividing the net volume of all the lines on the ship unit by the area of the THU (length x width), if the THU has non-zero length and width defined.
  4. Use the logic configuration parameter SHIP UNIT HEIGHT ADJ PERCENTAGE to define the adjustment factor for the estimated height. The default is 20, meaning 20%. If the estimated height is H, then OTM will inflate to H * (1 + 20%).
  5. If Max Height for On Mode of the THU is defined and the estimated height is bigger, OTM will use the Max Height for On Mode of the THU as the ship unit height.
  6. If the estimated height is smaller than the largest height of all the lines, OTM will use the largest height of all the lines.
  7. For nestable items, such as buckets, the following setup is required:
    • Order configuration is Line based.
    • TiHi is defined.
    • If an item is marked as "Nestable",  the Incremental Nesting Height is required on the packaged item.
    • Packaged items must be homogenous. If multiple lines with different packaged items are built into the same ship unit, nesting calculation will not work.

Ship Unit Height Calculation Examples

The following examples use the following:

THU dimensions: 4 FT (length) x 3.33 FT (width) x 0.5 FT (height)

THU area = L X W = 4 FT x 3.33 FT

Example 1

Order: MAX HGHT 1 (mixed partial pallet where you see the per height value calculated based on the formula)

Net Volume: 16.61 CUFT

Case 1-

glog.business.order.estimateShipUnitHeight=false, Height=0.5

Case 2


and glog.business.order.shipUnitHeightAdjPercentage=20%:

Height: 0.5 + (16.61/THU area)*1.20 = 2.00

Case 3


and glog.business.order.shipUnitHeightAdjPercentage=12%:

Height: 4 + (16.61/THU area)*1.12 = 1.90

Example 2

Order: MAX HGHT 2 (full pallet that will use the TiHi data and a partial pallet where the per height value is calculated based on the formula)

Net Volume: 16.61 CUFT

Case 1


Full SU created via TiHi:  Height=3.83

Partial Pallet with 2 lines:  Height=0.5

Case 2


and glog.business.order.shipUnitHeightAdjPercentage=12%:

Full SU:  Height=3.83

Partial:  Height: 0.5 + (16.61/THU area)*1.12 = 1.90

Example 3

Order: MAX HGHT 3 (lower boundary case)

Net Volume: 4.15 CUFT

Case 1

glog.business.order.estimateShipUnitHeight=false, Height=0.5

Case 2


and glog.business.order.shipUnitHeightAdjPercentage=12%:

Height: 0.5 + (4.15/THU area)*1.12 = 0.85 (less than max height of line which is 1.2+.5=1.70)

Example 4

Order: MAX HGHT 4 (upper boundary case)

Net Volume: 65.10 CUFT

Case 1

glog.business.order.estimateShipUnitHeight=false, Height=0.5

Case 2


and glog.business.order.shipUnitHeightAdjPercentage=12%:

Height: 0.5 + (65.10/THU area)*1.12 = 5.97 (> Max Height for On Mode of THU, so 5.50)

Nesting Height Example

The nesting height can be calculated when an item can be nested inside another, such as a bucket or empty bins. Let's assume you want to ship 5 buckets, not in a container. The buckets are all the same size, with the same unit height, 1 foot tall. When you put one inside the first, the height of the two is 1.5 feet. That means the incremental height of a bucket is half a foot (.5 feet). For each bucket you add, the height will increase by .5 feet. The height of 5 buckets would be 3 feet (1 foot for the original bucket and the incremental height of .5 feet times 4 for a total of 2 feet). To get the total shipping height, OTM adds the THU height

OTM uses the following information:

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