Business Process Automation

Batch Process

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > General > Batch Process.

Define a batch process so you can bundle a set of business processes and schedule them as one single process. Using a batch process maximizes the efficient use of system resources. The processes run in the sequence that you define.

Defining a Batch Process

  1. Enter an ID in the Batch Process ID field.
  2. Select a domain in which this batch process will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  3. Select the Enabled check box if you want this batch process to be activated.
  4. If desired, add a description of the batch process in the Description field.

Batch Processes

  1. Enter the Sequence of the process as it should be run within the batch process you are defining.
  2. Enter a Process Action ID.
  3. Enter Process Parameters by clicking Parameters icon.
  4. Select the Enabled option if you want this process to be activated within the batch process.
  5. Click Save for each sequence and process you enter.
  6. Click Finished.

Scheduling a Batch Process

Go to Business Process Management > Process Management > Batch Processing.

Viewing a Scheduled Process

Go to Business Process Management > Recurring Processes. Click Search. The process will be listed as Batch Processing. Select it and click Finished. The batch process is displayed along with the schedule.

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