Configuration and Administration

Configuration Collection Types

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Power Data > Diagnostics > Configuration Collection Types.

This page lists the type of configuration collections supported by Oracle Transportation Management. The types are used to review configuration set up, and email it if desired, using Configuration Collection.

The following configuration collectors are suppressed from the selection list when in a secure mode:

  • APP TOOL VERSIONS: Version information for the WebLogic server, database driver and optimization engine.
  • DATA CONNECTIONS: Data source definitions and connection pool sizing.
  • ENTITY BEAN SETTINGS: Displays cache parameters for entity beans supporting caching.
  • JVM SETTINGS: Java settings including memory usage, machine information, vendor details, classpath, system variables and environment.
  • OTM PROPERTIES: Structured view of OTM properties by property file and set. Note that only unreserved property values are displayed.
  • OTM VERSION: OTM version information including build and patches.
  • SCALABILITY: Overview of Application Server Scalability setup.
  • SCALABILITY DATA: Validates SCA-related database entries.
  • SCALABILITY MESSAGES: Validates JMS for SCA messaging.
  • SCALABILITY PROPERTIES: Validates SCA-related properties.
  • SSL CERTIFICATES: Displays all the Certificate Authority certificates currently available to validate HTTPS connections to external systems, including any customer-specific custom CA certificates.
  • WALLETS: Confirmation of shared wallet configuration for password storage.
  • WEB TOOL VERSIONS: Version information for the WebLogic server, database driver and servlet container.
  • any user-defined Configuration Collector

Collectors available in Cloud include:

  • DATABASE SIZING: Number of rows and bytes used for each OTM table, along with tablespace sizing.
  • EVENT QUEUE SETTINGS: Workflow and transport thread counts.
  • LOG SETTINGS: Summary, by Logging ID, of which logs have which IDs enabled.
  • RECURRING TOPICS: List of recurring Process Control topics, currently scheduled for execution.

Creating a Configuration Collection Type

  1. Enter a unique identifier in the Configuration ID field.
  2. Enter a Java Plugin. The diagnostic system allows client-specific diagnostic packages to be added to configuration and performance metrics. A client-specific diagnostic must map to a Java class implementing a particular interface. This class is then added to Java Plugins with either a CONFIGURATION CAPTURE or PERFORMANCE CAPTURE use type. Once the plugin record exists, the corresponding collection type can be added.
  3. Optionally, enter Additional Arguments and a Description.
  4. Click Finished.

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