Business Process Automation

HTTP Profile

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Integration > HTTP Profile.

The HTTP profile is used to define a connection to an EBS instance. This profile is used in conjunction with an external system such as an EBS instance and should be configured when the system is defined.

Providing a profile is mandatory for communication with the gateway. The HTTP Profile holds the communication parameters set required to ensure accurate communication with the gateway.

The HTTP Profile holds all the name/value pairs required for communicating with XML gateway of the an EBS instance. These pairs are actually posted to the XML gateway along with compliance status XML. These are mandated by the XML Gateway as defined in XML gateway documentation. A missing property/parameter could result in a communication failure communication.

GTM ships with a PUBLIC profile (EBS_HTTP_PROFILE) to integrate with EBS.

Creating a New HTTP Profile

  1. Enter an HTTP Profile ID.
  2. Enter a Description.
  3. Enter an HTTP Header for Response. This field should be set to the name of the HTTP header that should be read in order to see the external system's response status.

    For example, in EBS ITM - GTM integration case, XML Gateway is the defined external system. The gateway sends its acknowledgement upon receiving a compliance status request from trading partner (in this case, GTM). The acknowledgement HTML is sent along with an HTTP header. This header provides the success status of inbound compliance status processing.

    Accordingly, any HTTP profiles attached to external systems configured for communication with the gateway should have STATUS_CODE as the value for this field.

  4. Enter HTTP Response Success Values. This field sets up what the status codes are that should be treated as success. Text entered in this field should contain the string which could be treated as success value.
  5. Select a Domain Name from the drop-down list.


  1. Enter a Name.
  2. Enter a Value. This should be the value of a name/value pair.
  3. Select the XML option if applicable. Selecting the option marks the value of that record to be XML. For the EBS XML gateway, it should be left unselected for most of the gateway parameters except for payload.
  4. Click Save for each detail you enter.
  5. Click Finished.

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