Operational Planning

Load Point Penalty Matrix: Identification

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Location> Load Point Penalty Matrix.

The Load Point Penalty Matrix is used to help model how orders loaded at the same OTM location are consolidated, based on the different physical locations of those orders within the facility. These different physical locations are modeled using the Load Points defined on the location. The Load Point Penalties represent consolidation preferences, and OTM Container Optimization logic will use those preferences when consolidating orders onto shipments.

The Load Point Penalty Matrix is only used when the Container Optimization logic parameter USE LOAD POINT PENALTIES IN PACKING is enabled. 

Note: Load Point Penalties are considered only in scenarios with two-stop shipments. They are not used in multi-stop shipment consolidation.

Defining a Load Point Penalty Matrix Setup

  1. Enter a Location ID. The penalties will be defined between different load points available at this location.
  2. Enter an Equipment Group Profile ID. The penalties will be effective for consolidation onto equipment groups that belong to this profile. You should be careful not to define different Load Point Penalty Matrices at the same location with overlapping Equipment Group Profiles, because it will be unclear which penalties should be used. However, you can define different Load Point Penalty Matrices at the same location with non-overlapping Equipment Group Profiles. (For example, one may defined for rail-specific equipment, while another is defined for truck-specific equipment)
  3. Active: If the flag is set to true, the load point penalty matrix record is active and if the flag is false, then the load point penalty matrix record is inactive. By default, the flag is set to true for all the existing, and the new ones.
  4. Domain Name: Select in which Domain you want to create the load point penalty matrix. You may store this load point penalty matrix within your own domain, or any domain you have access to. 

Once the Location ID and Equipment Group Profile ID are populated, you can click on the second tab 'Penalty' where both the load points are fetched from the Location load/unload points tab. Load points are defined in the Location Manager.

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