Shipment Management

Time Zones

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Geography > Time Zones.

Note: You must be logged in as a DBA to access this page.

Use this page to define a time zone. There are glog.timezone properties that define the default time zone to use for UI, integration, logging and conversions. If these are not defined, the default time zone is based on the locale of the application server. Additionally, when adding a time zone, you must add a record in the Missing Time Zone page, so that an offset time is defined.

Creating Time Zones

  1. Enter a Time Zone ID.
  2. Enter a Time Zone Name. The name that is entered appears on View pages and emails that display dates/times.
  3. Select a Domain Name.
  4. Click Finished.
  5. Go to the Missing Time Zone page and add a record there of this time zone, in order to record the offset time for the time zone..

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