Payment Method Codes

This page is accessed via:

  • Financials > Power Data > Payment > Payment Method Codes
  • Master Data > Power Data > General > Payment Method Codes

Payment method codes identify the payment methods that can be selected in invoices and customer bills. They specify the manner in which payment is to be made. For example, PP (prepaid), COD (cash on delivery), COLLECT (invoiced after delivery), CHECK, and MIXED (when orders with different payment methods are bundled together).

Adding a Payment Method Code

  1. Enter a Payment Method Code ID in the field.
  2. Enter a Description of the payment method code.
  3. Select the Type of payment method code. You can choose commercial, standard, or both, depending on how and where you want the code to be used. For example, on the Freight Forwarding Manager, the Commercial Payment Terms field will display payment method codes that are of the types "commercial" and "both."
  4. Select the Domain Name for the payment method code.
  5. Click Finished.

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