Shipment Management

Activity Time Definition

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Location > Activity Time Definition.

Use this page to define activities and special services. These describe all of the services that are happening at that stop, like load, unload, border crossing, relay, trailer washing, etc.

The hierarchy of retrieving special service duration is:

If multiple special services are requested at the same priority level, all are chosen. For example, there may be a gentle unload and a standard unload on the order release stop. Both will be selected.

Adding an Activity Time Definition

  1. Enter an Activity Time Definition ID. You can also have the system generate an ID using the Business Number Generator. If you leave this field blank, Oracle Transportation Management automatically assigns a default ID.
  2. Select a Domain Name for the location profile.
  3. Enter a Special Service ID. Special services describe all the services happening at a stop such as load, unload, border crossing, trailer washing, and so on.
  4. Enter a Flex Commodity Profile ID.
  5. Enter a Transport Handling Unit Profile ID.
  6. Enter a Service Provider Profile ID. The system calculates the activity time at a location based on the service provider of the shipment.
  7. Enter an Equipment Group Profile ID. The system calculates the activity time at a location based on the size of the equipment used by the shipment ship unit (SSU).

Note: The system considers Flex Commodity, THU profile GID, Service Provider Profile ID and Equipment Group Profile ID while checking the compatibility of the SSUs. If a profile ID is not specified on the activity time definition, the system assumes that the SSU is compatible with the activity rule for that constraint.

Note: The order for priority or preference during stop time calculation is: 1. Special Service ID 2. Flex Commodity Profile ID 3. Transport Handling Unit Profile ID 4. Service Provider Profile ID 5. Equipment Group Profile ID 6. Rate Offering ID.

Note: The activity time for a lane based special service, the following conditions apply: lane based only looks at Fixed Stop Time and not Variable Stop Time. If there is activity time for 'load' that is applied when there is no special service defined as well as an activity time defined for load with a specific special service,  both are added together. For example, if there is an activity time for load which is one day and there is an activity time for load with a special service of additional dwell; if the shipment destination location has a lane based special service of additional dwell time defined for two days, the result will be a load time for three days which is added together.

  1. Enter a Rate Offering ID. The system calculates activity time at a location based on the rate offering used by the shipment.
  2. Enter a Fixed Stop Time. Planned duration for special services can be entered as fixed duration in order release stop special service, order release special service or calculated based on this value.
  3. Enter a Variable Stop Time.
  4. Enter the Ship Units.
  5. Enter the Volume and unit of measure (UOM).
  6. Enter the Weight and UOM.
  7. Enter the Equipment Reference Unit ID and the Equipment Reference Unit Count. If you enter an equipment reference unit ID, you have to enter the count, and vice-versa.
  8. Click Finished.

Setting up Activity Time for Lane Based Special Service

Lets look at the following steps for setting up activity time that uses a lane based special service.

The objective here is to add additional load time at the source location that is modeling more time required based on the destination (last delivery stop) of a shipment. This can be in case of more dwell time to load for a rail ramp. Here, you need to identify the different time buckets that you want to account for as special services. On the destination locations, you need to identify if it requires this additional dwell time by placing that special service code on that location. On the source location, you need to define an umbrella (placeholder) special service code that signifies that this source needs to account for the special service activity time but that you are going to look at the lane based special service code on the destination location to get the specific code to use. On the source location, you also need to identify each different time bucket as an activity time record.

Let’s look at an example of two different locations:

  • Rail Ramp 1 – Atlanta Dwell time 5 days
  • Rail Ramp 2 – Baltimore – Dwell time 2 days
  1. Define the special service codes for each time bucket needed.


    1. Set the Default for Source/Dest field to "L"
    2. Set the Activity Type to "LOAD"
    3. For Planning, set the "Time" based flag


    1. Set the Default for Source/Dest field to "L"
    2. Set the Activity Type to "LOAD"
    3. For Planning, set the "Time" based flag


  1. Define the Special Service for each shipment destination location.

Rail Ramp 1 - Set the Special Service Code to DWELL - 5 Days

Rail Ramp 2 - Set the Special Service Code to DWELL - 2 Days

  1. Define the special service code and the activity times for the source location.
    1. Set the Special Service Code on source location to "SOURCE DWELL"
    2. Set the activity time records needed
    3. The default load time is added in addition to the dwell time service codes that match. So, here I modeled three activity time records:
      1. Default Load Time is 1 day and this applies to all shipments.
      2. Activity time Ramp 2 days - here the activity time that matches to special service code DWELL- 2 DAYS adds 1 additional day.
      3. Activity time Ramp 5 days - here the activity time that matches to special service code DWELL -5 DAYS adds 4 additional days.

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