Shipment Management

Distance by Addresses

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Geography > Distance by Address.

Distance by Addresses is used when calling external distance engines if the cache control type is set to "Cache by Address Lookup and Save". With this cache type, when calling an external distance engine, it checks to see if the distance is stored in the distance by addresses table. If it is, it uses that distance. If it is not, it calls the external engine, gets the distance and then saves it. Having it saved in the table helps performance so the external engine does not need to be called every time.

In addition to Oracle Transportation Management populating the table each time the eternal distance engine is called, and the cache type is Cache by Address Lookup and Save, you can manually add distances by addresses.

Adding a Distance Record Manually:

  1. Enter a Rate Distance ID.
  2. Enter a Source Address Type.
  3. Depending on the source address type you selected, enter the relevant data. For example, if you selected source address type of Postal Code, enter the postal code for the source location. If you selected an address type of City Province, enter a source city and a source province.
  4. Enter a Destination Address Type.
  5. Depending on the destination address type you selected, enter the relevant data.
  6. Enter the Distance Value and the UOM.
  7. Click Finished.

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