Shipment Management

Other Latitude/Longitude

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Geography > Other Latitude/Longitude.

Use this page to view or modify the latitude and longitude coordinates for locations. You can add additional latitude and longitude values to define new locations. Oracle Transportation Management uses the latitude/longitude values when measuring distance.

Adding Additional Latitude/Longitudes

  1. Enter the Province Code of the latitude/longitude location. The Province Code identifies the province, region, or state.
  2. Enter the City of the latitude/longitude location.
  3. Enter the Latitude of the latitude/longitude location.
  4. Enter the Longitude of the latitude/longitude location.

    Note: When entering latitude/longitude values, North & East must be input as positive numbers and South & West must be input as negative numbers. Make sure the values are in decimal format rather than using minutes & seconds. For example: 60deg 47' 26" W = -[60+(47/60)+(26/3600)] = -60.790556

  5. Enter an Accuracy parameter to specify the degree of certainty regarding the accuracy of the latitude and longitude. It is recommended that you enter 0.0. This indicates that you are 100% certain of the latitude and longitude you entered for the location.
  6. Enter a Country Code ID.
  7. Select a Domain Name or accept the current domain.
  8. Click Finished.

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