Shipment Management

Postal Code Validate

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Geography > Postal Code Validate.

When entering data in the Location Manager, Oracle Transportation Management can validate whether you have entered a valid postal code. This validation is based on the combination of Country Code, City, and Postal Code that you enter in the Location manager. If the combination matches what is entered in this screen, then it is valid. If it does not match the combination entered in this screen, then it is invalid.

These combinations are validated only if the Validate Postal Code check box is selected on the Country Codes page. If selected, only locations in the domain you are currently defining are validated.

There are three types of validation:

  • None: No validation takes place.
  • Warning: You can enter the location information but are not to be notified of any problem; however, an error message is posted to the error log, and when looking at the location data in the future, the Address Valid field in the Location Manager will display N.
  • Error: An error message appears stating that the location information entered is incorrect. You must correct the Country Code, City, and Postal Code combination to continue.

Adding a Record for a Valid Country Code, City, and Postal Code Combination

  1. Enter a Postal Code Validate ID to uniquely identify the combination of Country Code, City, and Postal Code that you want to validate against.
  2. Enter the correct Country Code. This should match the valid country codes you have set up in the Country Codes table.
  3. Enter the City name. Besides entering the correct city name as you want it to appear, you can also enter commonly mistaken spellings of the city. When entering data in the Location Manager, if the city is entered as it appears in this field, Oracle Transportation Management will automatically correct what is entered in the Upper Case field.
  4. Enter a Province Code.
  5. Enter the Postal Code that you want to validate.

    Note: The postal codes are validated using an exact match. This means that if the postal code entered here is a five digit zip code, then you must enter the same five digit zip code in the Location Manager for it to be validated. If you enter a five digit zip code here, but you enter a five +four digit zip code in the Location Manager, then it will not be validated as correct. The reverse is also true.

  6. In the Upper Case field, enter the correct city name exactly how you always want it to appear. This automatically changes to upper case characters if you do not enter it as upper case. The Location Manager includes functionality that automatically corrects the city name based on the Country and Postal Code. What you have entered here will be what it is changed to during this correction process. For example, if Philly is entered in the City field in step 3 above, and PHILADELPHIA is entered in the Upper Case field, when a user enters Philly as the city in the Location Manager, the city name will automatically be corrected to PHILADELPHIA.
  7. In the Mixed Case field, you can enter the city name, using upper or lower case or a combination. This is saved as entered even if it displays as upper case.
  8. Select a Domain Name, or accept the current domain.
  9. Click Finished.

There are more steps that need to be taken for the validation functionality to work. First, the Domain that the location is in must have a Postal Code Validation Type selected. Second, the Validate Postal Code check box in the Country Codes table must be checked. If it is, validation will be done for all locations in that specific country.

If you have postal code validation data in the correct Oracle Transportation Management format, you can load it into the database using a SQL*Loader control file that ships with Oracle Transportation Management. The control file is called postal_code_validate.ctl. After the data is loaded, the locations can be validated in a batch process using the validate_postal_codes.sql script, which is also shipped with Oracle Transportation Management.

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