Shipment Management

Sample Data Element in the Event Message

This page shows a sample data element in an event message. Event messages contain the who, what, where, and when details of the rail event.

  • Event Location -   Cheyenne, WY   SPLC 729180    -   This is the WHERE.  The raw data is provided by the SPLC code.
  • Event Time – 5/6/2020  -   This is the WHEN. The time is considered “local” to the event location.
  • Event Time Zone -    America/Denver  - The Time Zone is a critical date element to avoid the need to “deduce” the time zone. The time zones must recognize Daylight Savings Time.
  • Initial and Number – EMHU 641774  - This is the WHO.  Railroads primarily identify the shipment by the equipment ID.
  • BM -  Bill of Lading – Required - UP-000516 – This is also the WHO but is augmented data that is confidential to the parties.
  • WY – Waybill – just info  -  350019 -  This is also the WHO and is the railroad’s secondary means of identification.
  • Status Code – Depart – 6016 – This is the WHAT.  It is what has happened and the reason for reporting an event.
  • Carrier SCAC – UP  -  This is the carrier who reports the event.
  • Train Symbol –  ZLTG2B 09 – This is the identification for the train that is moving the equipment.  
  • Loaded Flag – Y -  This is a key identifier for load and empty that is useful to shippers as they also must monitor empty cars.
  • Destination SPLC – Croxton, NJ –  SPLC 191560 -   This is a key indicator of where the car/container is headed.  
  • ETA Date – CRX  5/12/2020  16:00 – The ETA is based on the DESTINATION SPLC. ETA can be provided by RR or be “historical”.
  • ETA Time Zone – Americal/New_York -  The Time zone is also a critical element of the ETA.   

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