Order Management

Hazmat Approval Exemption

This page is accessed via Order Management > Power Data > Item Classifications > Hazmat Approval Exception.

Exemptions can be created for the manufacture, storage and transport of hazardous materials at this page. The Hazmat Approval Exemption ID can be created and assigned to a hazardous item in the Hazardous Material Manager.

An exemption may be requested if it achieves a level of safety at least equal to that required by regulation, or if a required safety level does not exist, or if an exemption is consistent with the public interest. An exemption should include any of the following information:

  • Information describing all relevant shipping and incident experience of which the applicant is aware that relates to the application.
  • A statement identifying any increased risk to safety or property that may result if the exemption is granted and a description of the measures to be taken to address that risk.
  • Substantiation, with applicable analyses, data or test results, that the proposed alternative will achieve a level of safety that is at least equal to that required by the regulation from which the exemption is sought.
  • If the regulations do not establish a level of safety, an analysis that identifies each hazard, potential failure mode and the probability of its occurrence, and how the risks associated with each hazard and failure mode are controlled for the duration of an activity or life-cycle of a packaging.

Examples of exemptions would be authorizations to change a cylinder specification to a non-DOT specified requirement or an allowed change in the expiration date of a hazardous material.

Note: You cannot delete a Hazmat Approval Exemption (as specified in the DOT Exemption and Competent Authority Approval fields) unless you have deleted the hazardous item.

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