Order Management

Hazmat Package Type

This page is accessed via Order Management > Power Data > Item Classifications > Hazmat Package Type.

Enter all package type information on this page. Items and package types combined make-up packaged items that are assigned to orders and built into shipments.

Package types are important because, by using package types to create packaged items, you can provide the level of detail needed to enter item master information into a Bill of Lading. Package types also contain important information used by a planner or service provider that determines the hazardous or non-hazardous state of an item to which that package type is assigned.

An example of a package type ID for a light bulb manufacturer shipping to a distributor could be:

  • Package Type ID - MC-36CP-12
  • Description - A large box sent from a manufacturer of 36 customer boxes of lights with 12 bulbs per miniature box.

An example of a package type ID for a distributor shipping light bulbs to a retailer could be:

  • Package Type ID - DRC-6P-12
  • Description - A small box of 6 customer boxes of lights with 12 bulbs per miniature box.

The Package Type ID is linked to the Packaging section of the Item page in Material Manager.

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