Logistics Network Modeling

Modeling Bulk Plan Specification

This page is accessed via Logistics Network Modeling > Power Data > Modeling Bulk Plan Specification.

This page allows you to define multiple modeling bulk plan specifications and each bulk plan specification can potentially run multiple scenario bulk plans, all within the context of one scenario. A bulk plan specification allows you to group the orders on a scenario and run bulk plans on each group. There are a few ways to make sub-groups. You can also specify how the scenario bulk plans are initiated, parallel versus in series.

Adding a Modeling Bulk Plan Specification

  1. Enter a Bulk Plan Specification ID.
  2. In the Group By field, select how the bulk plan should be grouped. If not defined, only one bulk plan will be formed and run. Besides the Group By field, only one bulk plan may be formed if only one detail record exists and it is only for one period. Otherwise, there will be multiple bulk plans for a bulk plan specification.
  3. If you selected a Group By of Flex Field String, Flex Field Number, Flex Field Date, or Flex Field Currency, select a Flex Field Attribute.
  4. Select the Run in Series check box to specify whether the bulks plans should run sequentially or simultaneously: Note that run in series can apply to multiple bulk plan specification details. They will be run according to start time offset, period and number of periods.
    • Run in Series: With this option, constraints like capacity can be taken into account. The second bulk plan knows the capacity implications of the first. This is usually specified when there are multiple periods. In that case, OTM lists the bulk plans with a bulk plan specification (across all detail records) and runs them in series according to the start time of the bulk plan defined. You can define the Order Time Span > Period in which case the same order can show up in multiple queries within a bulk plan specification. Also, failed orders, from the previous bulk plan only, that qualify for the next bulk plan will be considered for planning.
    • Run in Parallel: (Run in Series not selected). If they run in parallel, the run time will be quicker, constraints like capacity cannot be taken into account. This is usually selected when bulk plans have no interdependencies.
  5. Enter the Bulk Plan Specification Details.
  6. Enter a Bulk Plan Specification Detail ID.
  7. Optionally, enter the following:
    1. Start Time Offset: Determines the time the bulk plan will run. This time will be added to the start time. If the start time is midnight and this is set to 6H, then the first bulk plan will start at 6AM.
    2. Period: Determines the gap between bulk plans. If set to 1D, the gap between bulk plan start times is always one day. Period along with Number of Periods define the start times of the next set of simulated bulk plans relative to the first bulk plan start time. The start of the next period is determined by adding the period value (such as 2 hours or 1 day) to the previous period start time.
    3. Number of Periods: Defines how many bulk plans are run. If there are two periods, two bulk plans will run.
    4. Order Time Span: Shows the range in which the orders should be included in the bulk plan. If this is set to 1 day, and the start of the period is 6 am, then the orders that would run between 6 am the current day and 6am the next day are included.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Enter any additional parameters needed. Click Save after each.
  10. Click Finished.

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