Operational Planning

Diagnostic Log Filter

This page is accessed by clicking the Filter button from the View Diagnostics page. Diagnostics configuration is set up on the Diagnostic Process Configuration page; accessed via Operational Planning > Power Data > Planning > Diagnostic Process Configuration.

This page allows you to filter diagnostic logging so you can look at just a subset of the logs. For example, you ran a bulk plan for 20 orders and one order failed. Instead of looking at the diagnostics for all 20 orders, you can filter the log and just look at the one that failed.

Filtering Diagnostic Logs

  1. In the Process Steps Filter list, you can select multiple process steps to filter on.
  2. Click Save after adding each process step filter.
  3. The Status Filter allows you to restrict the log to certain statuses such as Success, Failure and so on.
  4. Click Save after adding each status filter.
  5. The Entities Filter allows you to select one or more entities to filter on. Select an Entity Name. You can enter an Entity Value, a comma-separated list of entity values or an entity value specifier using standard wild cards, for example, ends with(%order), starts with(order%) and contains(%order%) . If multiple values are indicated, it means that any of the entity values will match the filter. If there is more than one entry or row for the same entity type, i.e., order release, a process step has to match both of the entries. For example, if you have 2 rows with Order Release with OR1 on row 1 and OR2 on row 2, the filter looks for cases when both OR1 and OR2 are processed at the same time. If however, you have one row with Order Release and an entity value of OR1,OR2, then the filter looks for cases where either (or both) were processed.
  6. Click Save after adding each entities filter.
  7. Click OK when finished. The Diagnostics Log Viewer is refreshed showing the filtered data. The Viewer will show any process step that matches the selected filters, the parent process and any sub-processes under the matching process steps. When the viewer displays filtered data, you can click the Filter button to show the filter criteria.

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