Contract and Rate Management

Allocation Group

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > General > Allocation Group.

This page allows you to create allocation groups. Allocation can be based on any geography: it can be primary leg shipment based, or order based, or other criteria like order involved party, or the combination of the above. Allocation groups can be used in the allocation process. You can create allocation groups, then define different commitment allocations on the same lane. After defining allocation groups, you can add the allocation group to the commitment allocation page and as a constraint to the order release constraints.

For example, allocations may be set up on order lanes, and not shipment lanes. Let's assume, you have three leg itineraries, and the middle leg is an ocean "European ports - US ports" leg. However, orders that originate in Germany count towards one set of allocation commitments, and orders that originate in Switzerland count towards a different set of allocation commitments. You could use allocation groups.

Service provider assignment checks for a match for the allocation group on the shipment and on the commitment allocation. If both exist, they must match before matching other attributes, such as start/end time. If neither is populated, OTM can proceed to match other attributes. However, if one is null and the other is populated or they are both populated but do not match, the commitment allocation will not be applied.

Note: The parameter APPLY ALLOCATION GROUP ON PRIMARY LEG ONLY impacts this. The parameter determines whether the allocation group from the order will be matched to the allocation group on the commitment allocation for all shipments on the itinerary path or only the shipment on the primary leg.

Adding Allocation Groups

  1. Enter the Allocation Group ID for the group.
  2. Optionally, enter a Description for the group.
  3. Accept the default domain or selected another from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  4. Click Finished.

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