Contract and Rate Management

Rate Distance

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > Contracts > Rate Distance.

Rate distance determines the distance from one point to another. Oracle Transportation Management uses the information provided in rate distance to determine how to calculate the distance based on the distance type and taking into account cutoff values for estimating purposes. Rate Distance either estimates or looks up distance when calculating a rate or simulating service time.

Select a Distance Type to decide how Oracle Transportation Management should calculate distance.
  • Lookup: Oracle Transportation Management uses the values you entered in power data. No estimating is required.
  • Estimate: Oracle Transportation Management estimates the distance based on latitude/longitude and the Short and Long Cutoff values and Factors entered in the next fields.

Note: Another option is to select Lookup and select the Estimate Allowed check box.

  1. If you select the Estimate Allowed check box and select Lookup as your Distance Type. Oracle Transportation Management estimates distance if a valid Lookup value is not found in the Lane Definition.
  2. Enter a Short Distance Cutoff distance. Oracle Transportation Management multiplies estimated distances shorter than the Short Distance Cutoff distance with the Short Distance Factor. When Oracle Transportation Management calculates distance, if the distance is less than the Short Distance Cutoff value, the actual distance value is multiplied by the Short Distance Factor. Due to road layout and other factors, the error margin for short distance values is actually higher than that for longer distances. Typically, the Short Distance Factor is larger than the Long Distance Factor.
  3. Enter a Short Distance Factor to multiply estimated distances shorter than the Short Distance Cutoff with. Oracle Transportation Management uses both Short Distance Cutoff and Short Distance Factor to reasonably estimate distances. When Oracle Transportation Management calculates distance, if the distance is less than the Short Distance Cutoff value, the actual distance value is multiplied by the Short Distance Factor. Due to road layout and other factors, the error margin for short distance values is actually higher than that for longer distances. Typically, the Short Distance Factor is larger than the Long Distance Factor.
  4. Enter a Long Distance Cutoff distance. Oracle Transportation Management multiplies estimated distances longer than the Long Distance Cutoff distance with the Long Distance Factor. When Oracle Transportation Management calculates distance, if the distance is larger than the Long Distance Cutoff value, the actual distance value is multiplied by the Long Distance Factor. Due to road layout and other factors, the error margin for long distance values is actually lower than that for shorter distances. Typically, then, the Long Distance Factor is smaller than the Short Distance Factor.
  5. Enter a Long Distance Factor to multiply estimated distances longer than the Long Distance Cutoff with. Oracle Transportation Management uses both Short Distance Cutoff and Short Distance Factor to reasonably estimate distances. When Oracle Transportation Management calculates distance, if the distance is larger than the Long Distance Cutoff value, the actual distance value is multiplied by the Long Distance Factor. Due to road layout and other factors, the error margin for long distance values is actually lower than that for shorter distances. Typically, then, the Long Distance Factor is smaller than the Short Distance Factor.
  6. Optionally, in the External Distance Engine ID field, enter the External Distance Engine you want to use to estimate distances. If you do, you can skip all fields above except for Rate Distance ID and Distance Type.

Note: If the actual distance value falls in between the Short and Long Cutoff values, Oracle Transportation Management uses a prorated factor between the two defined Factors. For example, if the Short Distance Cutoff is 10, the Long Distance Cutoff is 100, and the actual distance travelled is 30, Oracle Transportation Management would use a prorated factor.

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