Contract and Rate Management

Rate Service Profiles

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > General > Rate Service Profiles.

Oracle Transportation Management allows you to identify and define groups of rate services that have some similar attributes. These are called Service Profiles. A determines the time required to transport goods from one point to another.

To create a profile, you must create an ID for it. Then add applicable rate services. Once created, the rate service profile can be used elsewhere in Oracle Transportation Management, such as in the order base to limit which rate services can be used to ship an order, or when requesting rates using the Rate Inquiry.

Only rates that have the service levels identified in that profile are used during the shipment planning process. When Oracle Transportation Management bundles orders and build shipments, it checks that there is an intersection between the rate service values identified on the orders.

Example: Rate Service Rule

  • Order Bundle 1 Overnight Delivery
  • Order Bundle 2 Overnight or 2nd Day Delivery
  • Order Bundle 3 2nd Day Delivery


  • Order Bundle 1 and 2 are compatible
  • Order Bundle 2 and 3 are compatible
  • Order Bundle 1 and 3 are not compatible

Rate Service Profiles

To create a rate service profile:

  1. Enter a Rate Service Profile ID.
  2. If you select the Compatible check box, Oracle Transportation Management can use the listed rate services in the same shipment. If you clear this check box, then these profiles are incompatible and cannot be used together. For example, if you assign a Rate Service Profile of compatible rate services to an order, Oracle Transportation Management considers all rate services included in that rate service profile for that order. Rate services are created within the Rate Manager.
  3. Enter a Rate Service ID.
  4. Click Save for each rate service ID you select.
  5. Click Finished.

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