Business Process Automation

Report Common Properties

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Document Generation > Report Common Properties.

The Report Common Properties page is used for creating Transportation Intelligence (TI) and Global Trade Intelligence (GTI) report specific properties that are not defined in the Oracle Transportation Management property file ( The main use of this is to define PUBLIC properties that the analytic reporting architecture uses.

New properties will be added under the PUBLIC domain for use by reporting in the future. You must be logged into OTM as DBA.ADMIN to change these properties.

Some of these properties are listed below:


New in Version




This property is used to calculate the of number of shipment events on time by taking into account event forecasts.

Default: True





During installation in OTM, use these properties to configure three global currencies in which you would want to see the cost-based reports.

Note: Once these properties are set, it is recommended not to change the values.



The valid values of TRUE or FALSE are evaluated during ETL load and accordingly the status dimensions will be either loaded or skipped.

When the value is set to FALSE, ETL loads an entry to the E_LOAD_LOG table in every ETL execution. Once the value is set back to TRUE, the incremental data is loaded instead of the full data.



Use this property to control the loading of Path and Path Edge dimensions in TI.

Default: False


Use this property to control the loading of data into the system performance tables during ETL. 

To enable the loading of system performance date during ETL, set this property to TRUE.

Default: FALSE



The valid values of TRUE or FALSE are evaluated during ETL load and accordingly the status dimensions will be either loaded or skipped.

When the value is set to FALSE, ETL loads an entry to the E_LOAD_LOG table in every ETL execution. Once the value is set back to TRUE, the incremental data is loaded instead of the full data.



The valid values of TRUE or FALSE are evaluated during ETL load and accordingly, the status dimensions will be either loaded or skipped.

When the value is set to FALSE, ETL loads an entry to the E_LOAD_LOG table in every ETL execution. Once the value is set back to TRUE, the incremental data is loaded instead of the full data.



Change to true to show the deprecated TI subject area of Transportation Intelligence.

The default value is false which hides the Transportation Intelligence subject area.


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