Business Process Automation

Saved Condition

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Event Management > Saved Conditions.

A saved condition may be used in the system to:

  1. Retrieve a set of objects matching a condition
  2. Retrieve the number of objects matching a condition
  3. Check whether a particular object matches a condition

In each case, an object matches a condition if any of the saved queries in the saved condition match. To enforce an object to match all of the criteria set, add a single saved query with multiple AND clauses. Note that the most common use of saved conditions is for object checks in agents. They are used to filter whether an agent is run against an object and to control flow within an agent with IF statements.

  1. Enter a unique identifier for the Saved Condition.
  2. Select an Object Type ID from the drop-down list.
  3. Select a Domain.
  4. Enter a Saved Query.
  5. Click Save for each saved query that you specify.
  6. Click Finished when done.

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