
Chargeable Days Details

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Contract Management > Demurrage Rule. Then select the New Chargeable Days Details button.

Use this page to define credit (free) days and chargeable days. Include load and unload time allowed, holidays, Sundays, and so on.

Note: If offset definitions are set up, they can impact charges by determining if the start clock is delayed and when the demurrage clock starts.

Adding Chargeable Days Details

  1. Enter an Activity Type ID. The possible types for demurrage management are as follows: Load to Empty, Load to Load, Empty to Load, Empty to Empty. Although you can select others, only these are valid for demurrage.
  2. Enter a Special Service ID. This is required since demurrage chargeable days are modeled as special services. This same special service with the duration (chargeable days) is passed to rating to determine the cost of the demurrage transaction service.
  3. Enter the Start Event Status Code Profile ID. All the likely start events are defined as part of the profile. During charge calculation, the earliest event from this profile on the Demurrage Transaction is considered as the start event for computing chargeable days. If you define Arrived, Constructive Placement (CP) and Actual Placement (AP) in the start profile, and the demurrage record first got a CP and then AP, the earlier event (CP) would be used to start the charges clock. However, if the demurrage record missed both Arrived and CP events and directly got AP, then it would be AP to start the charges clock. See About Demurrage for more information on the demurrage process.
  4. Start Event Status Code ID. This indicates the requested Start/Want Date. If the earliest event from the Start Event Status Code Profile ID (i.e., CP) falls before this requested Start Event, the requested Start Event is considered as the Start Event for computation of Chargeable Days.
  5. Enter the End Event Status Code Profile ID. All the likely end events are defined as part of the profile. During charge calculation, the latest event from this profile on the Demurrage Transaction is considered as the end event for computing chargeable days. If you define Released and Pulled in the end profile, and the demurrage record first got a  Released and then Pulled status, the later event Pulled would be used to end the charges clock. However, if the DM Record missed the Pulled Event and only got Released, then it would be Released.
  6. End Event Status Code ID. This indicates the requested End/Want Date. If the latest event from the End Event Status Code Profile ID (say Released) falls after this requested End Event, the requested End Event is considered as the End Event for computation of Chargeable Days.

Free Days Details

  1. Enter a Calendar ID. This defines the free days, such as holidays and weekends, for the charge type.
  2. Select a Calendar Activity. Within the calendar, this determines which activity type determines the free days.
  3. Optionally, select an Offset Definition ID. An offset definition indicates that the demurrage start clock is delayed.
  4. Enter the Load Days. This is the number of free (not chargeable) days to load.
  5. Enter the Unload Days. This is the number of free days to unload.
  6. Enter the Load and Reload Days. This is the number of free days to unload and reload.
  7. Enter the Own Switching Days. Own switching days is used by railroads to grant an extra day of credit to customers with their own switch engine which reduces the labor the railroad spends servicing the customer. Essentially, this provides a demurrage credit/abatement rather than reducing the rate.

Charge Details

  1. Select a Charge As. This indicates how you want it charged; either as an NFRC shipment, add charges to inbound shipment, add charges to outbound shipment or sell NFRC shipment.

    Note: The rate offering and rate record specified on the demurrage rule is only used for buy and sell NFRC shipment charge types. For the other charge types, the rate offering and rate record of the corresponding shipments (inbound or outbound shipment) will be used.

  2. Rate Offering ID can be defined on each charge, and if so, overrides the Demurrage Rule Rate Offering.
  3. Rate Record ID can be defined on each charge, and if so, overrides the Demurrage Rule Rate Record.

Note: The ability to define separate rate offerings and rate records for each charge, allows the possibility to have different buy and sell rates on the same demurrage rule. The same demurrage rule can then have demurrage charges that use buy rates and detention charges that use sell rates.

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