Contract and Rate Management

External Rating Engine Fieldset

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > General > External Rating Engine Fieldsets.

If you are exporting data to an external rating engine, it is important that you include the information the engine requires to calculate proper rates. Since external engines may have different needs, you can use the External Rating Engine Fieldset page to define the data to be exported.

  1. Enter a unique identifier in the Fieldset ID field.
  2. Select an external rating engine from the Valid External Rating Engine ID drop-down list.
  3. Enter a Domain Name.
  4. Select the connection type from the Connection Type drop-down list.
  5. Enter the base property name for the fieldset in the Base Property Name field.
  6. If you specified a java class connection in step 3, enter the java class name in the Implementing Java Class field.
  7. Enter the External System ID which integrates client-specific external distance engines with OTM using a web service interface. The External System ID field appears only if you select the Web Service connection type.
  8. Select the rate basis items you wish to include in the output stream and move each one into the Used field. Use the left and right facing arrows to move the items horizontally, and use the up and down arrows to place the basis indicators in the order you wish the rating engine to consider.
  9. Click Finished.

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