Contract and Rate Management

Rounding Deficit Calculations

You can define the rounding behavior of all numeric fields during the rating process using the fields described below. Rounding definitions at the more detailed levels override the rounding definitions at the higher levels. For example, the rounding definitions at the Rate Record level override the rounding definitions at the Rate Offering level. Rate rounding only affects values during rating calculations. An exception is chargeable weight since this is tied directly to the rate itself and is supplied by the rating engine to the planning logic.  No other data in the shipment itself is affected by the rate configuration.

The Rounding Type field dictates how numbers will be rounded. Select Ceiling to always round up, Floor to always round down, Nearest Interval to round up if it is 5 or greater and down if it is less than 5, or No Rounding to not round at all.

Use the Rounding Interval field to specify what interval you want to round up or down to. For example, if you want to round up or down to the nearest 1, enter 1. If you want to round up or down to the nearest tenth decimal place, enter .1.

Use the Rounding Fields Level field to specify which fields in the rating process should be rounded. For example, you may only want currency fields rounded.

The Rounding Application field defines when rounding should take place. For example, you may only want rounding to be done on cost calculations.

When there is a unit break defined for a rate, the Deficit Calculations Type field defines the way the rating logic handles unit breaks. The following deficit calculation types are available:

  • Standard Deficit Rating: When there is a unit break defined for a rate, this will make sure that the least expensive rate is selected. For example, if a rate break occurs at 1000 pounds, and an order weighs 999 pounds (with a rate of $15 per pound), then Oracle Transportation Management will look at the price of shipping at the next highest weight break (1001 pounds at $13 per pound) and apply the cheapest rate. In this example, the least expensive option is to use the 1001 pound rate even though only 999 pounds are being shipped.
  • No Deficit Rating: Deficit rating will not be used and Oracle Transportation Management will select the actual rate that is calculated.
  • Payant Pour: This option works the opposite of Standard Deficit Rating. In other words, it will select the rate that is most expensive. Using the rate break example above, if a shipment weighed 1001 pounds, then Oracle Transportation Management will choose the 999 pound rate (at $15 per pound).
  • Deficit Rating with Forced Rating For No Cost Specified: Use this option when unit breaks are defined for a rate, but the ranges of the unit breaks are defined using minimums. Any value that is in the first range will be priced at the minimum value of the next range.
  • Payant Pour Rating with Forced Rating For No Cost Specified: This option works the opposite of Deficit Rating with Forced Rating For No Cost Specified, similar to how Payant Pour works the opposite of Standard Deficit Rating.

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