Shipment Management

Assign/Unassign Shipment Tracking Location

These actions are accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Stops > Assign Shipment Tracking Location or Unassign Shipment Location.

These actions enable you to assign or remove (unassign) a new shipment tracking location to a transload shipment.

Assigning a Shipment Tracking Location:

This action creates new tracking locations based on the shipment template (stop type T) and initiates the redrive of the next leg.

  1. Once you select the action from the Action Menu, a list of templates which match the shipment details displays. select the Option field to select a template.
  2. Click Submit. The tracking locations contained in the selected template are added to the shipment.

Unassigning a Shipment Tracking Location:

Once you select the action from the Action Menu, no further input is required.  A confirmation message appears when the action has been completed

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