Shipment Management

Book with Internal NVOCC - Direct

This page is accessed via Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Sell Shipments > Actions > Brokerage and Forwarding > Book with Internal NVOCC > Direct.

When a freight forwarder uses an internal NVOCC (Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) service provider, the planner books with this service provider just like they would with any other carrier. This action facilitates booking between planners and service providers managed within Oracle Transportation Management.

If you run this action from a sell shipment on an "international" job that has a service provider identified as an NVOCC, it creates a new job in the NVOCC domain, links the sell shipment's order movement to the job, plans the buy shipment from the sell shipment, links the buy shipment's order movement to the job, and updates the international job with any relevant information.

Note: User roles for the NVOCC should be configured to allow this action to be run with permissions not normally granted to a typical user, and would be used in the event the user had to manually manage the NVOCC job.

This action explicitly creates the order movements in the same domain as the order release and creates the resulting shipments in the NVOCC domain (as the job is currently).

This action performs the following business logic from a sell shipment:

  • Identify the service provider on the sell shipment to determine whether it is an NVOCC and what its operating domain is.
    • If the Internal NVOCC check box is not selected for the service provider, and the domain is not populated, this action displays an error message.
    • Buy shipments created from this action cannot be tendered.
  • Build the buy order movements and buy leg from the sell shipment using the logic from the Build Buy Side Shipment action.
  • Create a new job with the following attributes:
    • Job Query Type: Order Movement
    • Job Type: Copied from the job related to the sell shipment.
    • Job Consolidation Type: Defined by the JOB CONSOLIDATION TYPE parameter.
  • Copy the new job ID to the international job as a reference number using the Booking ID qualifier.
    • The CONSOL NUMBER parameter controls whether this gets set on the sell shipment or on the job related to the sell shipment.

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