Shipment Management

Convert Multi-stop to Pool

This page is accessed via the Shipments Results page by clicking Actions and choosing Manage Pool Shipment > Convert Multistop to Pool from the list.

Select this action to unassign orders from a multi-stop shipment pickup order and have the orders dropped off at a pool for delivery. This action removes a stop from the shipment and adds a handling shipment and a new shipment from the pool to the destination of the order.

This action does not work with multi-stop orders (not to be confused with multi-stop shipments). A multi-stop order has multiple pickups and multiple deliveries.

Note: There must be a pool in the region where the order is being delivered.

  1. Enter the number of the stop you are removing from the shipment in the Stop off Number field.
  2. Select the pool where you want to drop the orders for delivery in the Pool Stop Number field.

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