Shipment Management

Create Spot Rate

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Costs > Create Spot Rate.

Use this action to create a spot rate. A spot rate is a rate that will only be used once. Spot rates have a simpler entry screen than rate records however they are still saved as real rates, so they may be converted to rate records in the future.

The Allows Spot Rating check box on the Service Provider manager must be selected or this action will fail.

Creating a Spot Rate

Note: The Shipment ID populates automatically from the shipment. The Shipment ID field only shows if this page is accessed from shipments and not quotes.

  1. Enter the Service Provider.
  2. Enter a Spot Rate Offering ID. Note that a rate offering with a type of Spot rate must exist.
  3. Enter a Contact Name. This populates as a remark qualifier and remark text on the Spot Rate page.
  4. If you want, enter a Contact Phone Number and Email in the corresponding fields. If populated, these values display as remark qualifiers and remark text on the Spot Rate page.
  5. Click Finished.

    The Spot Rate page appears.

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Service Provider