Shipment Management

Split Booking and Bill of Lading Types

A Split Booking can be split by ship unit, equipment or equipment group. In each split instance, a remark is added to the new shipment and the shipment that it was split from indicating that it was split, the date it was split, and the shipment IDs of the new/old shipments. The following sections describe the types of splits that can occur along with the kind of Bill of Lading needed for the new and original shipment.

Split by Shipment Ship Unit

Splitting a booking by ship unit shows all the Ship Unit IDs for the Ship From Sell Shipment. Click on the arrow to the left to see more detailed information about an individual ship unit.

For each ship unit that you want to split from the existing shipment, enter a Split Off Amount. The following rules apply:

  • If no Split Off Amount is entered, it remains on the current shipment.
  • You cannot enter a Split Off Amount that is greater than the Ship Unit Count.
  • You cannot enter a negative number.
  • You cannot split off the entire amount for all ship units.

Note: If you partially split a ship unit, the shipment has to be a standalone shipment and it cannot have upstream or downstream shipments.

When you click the OK button at the bottom of the page, the following happens:
  1. The split off Ship Units are put onto a new or existing Split To Buy Shipment.
  2. The Same amount of Ship Units are split off from the Split From Sell Shipment into a new Split To Buy Shipment.
  3. Depending on the scenario, the affected shipments are either re-rated or the cost is prorated across the shipments.

Split by Equipment

When splitting by equipment, Oracle Transportation Management looks to find matching Buy Side Equipment. If no matches are found, an error occurs. Splitting by Equipment shows all the equipment for the Split From Buy Shipment. Select the shipment equipment that you want to split. The equipment that you select is split onto a shipment.

When you click the OK button at the bottom of the page, the following happens:

  1. The split-off equipment is put onto a new or existing Split To Buy Shipment.
  2. The equipment will be split off from the selected Sell Shipment into a new Sell Shipment.
  3. Depending on the scenario, the affected shipments are either re-rated or the cost is prorated across the shipments.

Split By Equipment Group

When splitting by equipment group, Oracle Transportation Management looks to find matching Buy Side Equipment Groups. If no matches are found, an error occurs. Splitting by Equipment Group shows all the equipment for the Split From Buy Shipment.

For each equipment group that you want to split, enter a Split Off Amount. The following rules apply:

  • If no Split Off Amount is entered, it remains on the current Equipment Group.
  • You cannot enter a Split Off Amount that is greater than the Equipment Group Count.
  • You cannot enter a negative number.
  • You cannot split off the entire amount for all Equipment Groups.

When you click the OK button, the following happens:

  1. The split-off Equipment Groups will be put onto a new or existing Split to Buy Shipment.
  2. The same amount of Equipment Groups are split off from Split From Sell Shipment into Split To Sell Shipment.
  3. Depending on the scenario, the affected shipments are either re-rated or the cost is prorated across the shipments.

Bill Of Lading Types

For the new Split to Sell Shipment a Bill of Lading type needs to be set. There are two types of Bill of Ladings. They are:

  • Multi B/L
  • Memo B/L

In the Multi B/L process, the shipment is split and new documentation is issued for the split shipment. When a split booking occurs, the job that the shipment is associated to is updated automatically showing that each split shipment needs its own documentation.

In the Memo B/L process, the shipment is split, but no additional documentation is necessary. Once the shipment is split, the new booking details are specified on the new shipment. The original shipment retains the old booking information. The Memo BL check box on the job is automatically selected indicating the documentation process should create one set of documentation for all the shipments in the job.

Note: A Memo Bill of Lading can only be used if the Shipment's destination country allows Memo Bill of Ladings.

After determining a Memo Bill of Lading process can be used, one shipment needs to be designated as the shipment to be used on the House B/L. Designate the Original or New shipment as the shipment which holds the House Bill of Lading documentation. This designation is stored on the job so that the documentation process can select the correct shipment to obtain the House B/L information.

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