
Delete Pre Bids

NOTE: This functionality is not yet available in 6.3.x and later.

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Bid Creation > Bid Round > Actions > Delete Pre Bids.

A pre bid refers to a bid entered by the buyer ahead of time on behalf of the carrier. The variable cost is set to -1, in order to distinguish the bid as a pre bid. First the Add Pre Bids action (which adds pre bid records to the p_bid table for all carriers and lanes in a particular bid round) may be generated. After carriers have finished entering all their bids, the buyer may run the Delete Pre Bids action to remove any remaining pre bids (i.e., those pre bids for which the carrier never entered a cost).

Deleting Pre Bids

Click Delete Pre Bids to run the action. No user input is required.

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