
Carrier Response Analysis

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Bid Creation > Bid Round > Actions > Carrier Response Analysis.

You can review the responses you receive from service providers by using the Carrier Response Analysis action. On the carrier response analysis page, you can check the status of carriers entering bids. For example, you can see the number of carriers without bids, number of committed bids and number of committed and included bids among other details.

Analyzing the Carrier Responses

  1. Select a bid round.
  2. Click Actions > Carrier Response Analysis to run the action.

When refreshed, the screen displays bid identification information as described below.

The analysis will list the following information in the Carrier Response Analysis section:

    • number of port-to-port lanes out to bid (Number of Lanes out to Bid field)
    • number of port-to-port lanes that have been bid on (Number of Covered Lanes field)
    • number of port-to-port lanes that have not been bid on (Number of Uncovered Lanes field)
    • number of carriers who are invited to bid (Number of Invited Carriers field)
    • number of carriers who have sent you a response (Number of Carriers Who Have Entered at Least One Bid field)
    • number of carriers who have not set you a response (Number of Carriers Without Bids field)
    • number of bids with a status of COMMITMENT_COMMITTED (Number of Committed Bids field)
    • number of bids with a status of BID_IN_INCLUDED (Number of Committed And Included bids field)

The Bids section contains the following information:

    • Service Provider ID
    • Number of Bids
    • View Bid link

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