
Send Notification

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Bid Creation > Bid Round > Actions > Send Notification.

Use this action to send notifications and documents to service providers.

Sending a Notification

  1. Enter an Email Subject.
  2. Enter an Email Message.
  3. To attach a document to your message, click Browse and browse to the file, then click Upload. You can upload Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format prior to and 2007, Adobe Portable Document Format. Such as .xls, .xlsx, .and pdf.
  4. Enter a Service Provider ID.

    Note: If sourcing contacts have not been designated to any of the selected service providers, they will be listed in the Service Providers Without Sourcing Contact section.

  5. Click Save. You can repeat steps 4 and 5 as often as required.
  6. Click Send Email.

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