
Lane Summary Detail

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Lane Aggregation > Lane Summary Detail.

The Lane Summary Detail page displays the details for each lane summary, including the time period number, as well as the associated shipment, lane, source location ID and name, and destination location ID and name.

  1. Click Search to find existing lane summary details.
  2. Click a hyperlink in the Lane Summary ID column to view the lane summary criteria.
  3. Note the Time Period Number.
  4. Click a hyperlink in the Shipment ID column to view the shipment details.
  5. Click a hyperlink in the Lane ID column to view the details for that lane.
  6. If available, click a hyperlink in the Source Location ID to view the details.
  7. If available, you see the Source Location Name.
  8. If available, click a hyperlink in the Destination Location ID to view the details.
  9. If available, you see the Destination Location Name.

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