Copy Shipment (Sourcing)

This page is accessed via:

  • Sourcing > Historical Shipments > Shipments > Actions > Copy Shipment
  • Cooperative Routing > Historical Shipments > Shipment > Actions > Copy Shipment

You can copy a shipment. You need to add a prefix so that a shipment ID can be created for the new shipment. Ship units and ship unit line records also get copied when this action is run.

Copying a Historical Shipment

  1. Enter a prefix in the Shipment ID Prefix field.

    Note: The shipment ID prefix you use will be added to the shipment ID. For example, if the original shipment is named "BROOKLYN.02287", and you use the word "NEW" as the shipment ID prefix, the copied shipment's ID will be "BROOKLYN.NEW-02287. The prefix will also be added to the ship unit IDs.

  2. Click Copy Shipment.

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