
Set Bid Publish Status for All Bids

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Bid Analysis > Scenario > Actions > Set Bid Publish Status For All Bids.

To make sure you do not accidentally build rates for the wrong awards, you need to set a status on the winning bids from which you are going to build rates.

Use the Set Bid Publish Status For All Bids action to set the bid publish status for selected solutions.

Setting Bid Publish Status for All Bids

  1. Select Yes on the Yes/No field if you want to set the BID_PUBLISH_YES status for bids in the specified solution.


    Select No to de-select these bids for publishing.

    Note: When you run the Build Rates action, only those bids with the status of BID_PUBLISH_YES are converted to rate records.

  2. Click Set Bid Publish Status to run the action.

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