Configuration and Administration

glog.dataqueue Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.

These properties are used to control performance of data queue polling and diagnostics.


New in Version




The default scalability cluster automatically services any data queue not explicitly assigned to a cluster. This behavior is controlled by this property, which is true by default. To require a data queue to be explicitly assigned a cluster, set the property to false.

Note: To protect hosted systems, these properties cannot be modified in the cloud without a service request.




Used to control whether some internal event processing starts a new process or continues with the current process tree. Default: false.

Note: This should not be modified unless directed by Oracle support.



Indicates the time (in seconds) that the data queues will wait during the application server startup.



Determines whether EventDiag should show current queue backlog. Options are True or False.



Setting this property to False will disable polling for events via the integration data queues.



Specifies which topic processing method should be used for LIFETIME data queue event processing. Options are 'publish', 'publishWait' or 'execute'. Default is 'publishWait'.



Enables a fatal error recovery in data queue processing. If enabled and an exception occurs during the processing of a data queue batch, the system checks each record in the batch to see if it is in an ACTIVE state. If so, the record is:

  1. set as PROCESSED if the resulting process is running or completed (i.e. the record has been executed).
  2. resubmitted as QUEUED if the resulting process is waiting (i.e. the record has not yet been executed).

The assumption here is that all executors handle business exceptions resulting from the execution of a single record. Fatal exceptions are typically database problems in the data queue subsystem and are most typically due to dropped connections.

Default: false



In a Scalability environment, controls how machines are locked prior to data queue polling.

A timeout of -1 is infinite for transLock; driven by the "Queue Polling" activity properties for objectLock.

Note that any timeout will throw an exception out of the poller loop and wait for another frequency delay before retrying. The default is -1 for backward compatibility.

This property may not be modified in the properties servlet as data queues are set up at startup.

Note: To protect hosted systems, these properties cannot be modified in the cloud without a service request.





In a Scalability environment, controls how machines are locked prior to data queue polling.

transLock = a select for update lock on the DATA_QUEUE_DEF record.

objectLock = an object lock of type (DATA QUEUE, DATA_QUEUE_DEF gid).

The default is transLock for backward compatibility.

This property may not be modified in the properties servlet as data queues are set up at startup.

Note: To protect hosted systems, these properties cannot be modified in the cloud without a service request.




This suppresses all data queue polling, regardless of queue.

Note: To protect hosted systems, these properties cannot be modified in the cloud without a service request.




Determines whether the SimplePoller should query the queue backlog each time it retrieves records from the queue. This data is used by EventDiag to calculate average/maximum queue sizes. As the query to retrieve record totals may be very extensive in large tables, the statistic may be infeasible to collect.

Options are True or False.



Determines whether the SimplePoller adds custom columns to the polling SQL. If not, the poller creates simple DataQueueEvent objects to represent the polled records. EventDiag displays only sequence numbers. If so, the poller retrieves custom columns from the executor and delegates event creation to it. Note that when this is set to False, a custom executor is responsible for querying the database to retrieve any custom fields.

Options are True or False.



Determines how Oracle Transportation Management tracks queue wait time. When the poller pulls records out of queue, it calculates the wait time by subtracting the queue start time from the current time. If this is set to True, the current time is retrieved. Otherwise, it is based on the current appserver time. If the database and appserver times match, the latter is more efficient since it does not require a round-trip to the database. If not, wait times will be skewed by the difference between the appserver and database clocks.

Options are True or False.



Determines whether required indices should be verified for data queues. The check occurs whenever a data queue is loaded or activated. Note that since the Oracle index views are a composite of many tables, the queries may incur a noticeable delay.

Options are True or False.



Specifies which topic processing method should be used for VISIBILITY data queue event processing. Options are  'publish', 'publishWait' or 'execute'. Default is 'publish'.

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