Configuration and Administration

glog.log Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


New in Version




The Entries per Page represents the number of lines retrieved for each screen page of the system log viewer. It is limited to 1000 entries per page. When saving to file, the screen page size is not applicable. Instead, the server can retrieve a larger set of entries, restricted only by RMI size limits. This download page size limit is specified by this property, which defaults to 5000.

glog.log.enabled.defaultDuration 21B

The default duration for the Enable Until field on a log ID. Default: 1H.

glog.log.enabled.minDuration 21B

The minimum duration for the Enable Until field on a log ID. Default: 5 M.


This property is used by the notification subsystem to determine how to handle non-fatal errors (e.g. a missing contact e-mail address). Valid values are:

  • Ignore: ignore errors
  • Log: log a single line for each error
  • Trace: log a stack trace for each error
  • Throw: throw an exception for any error out to the caller

When searching logs by date, the system performs a binary search on each log file. This parameter controls how deep the search can go before it will fail. Default = 100. This means we can search a file with 2^100 (i.e. 10^30 lines).




To avoid contention issues, we restrict the number of users that can simultaneously retrieve Log lines via the Log Viewer:

  • simultaneousUsers = the maximum # of users that can simultaneously access logs from the viewer. Default = 100
  • simultaneousTimeout = the # of seconds a user will wait to view a log, when blocked. Default = 10

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