Configuration and Administration

glog.optimization Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.

Note: See also the glog.mip properties topic.


New in Version




If true, OTM looks at the placement positions one at a time in the 3D pattern and compares that against the possible placement positions computed by the algorithm. If at any time, the placement position in the pattern is not in the placement position set from the algorithm, you get a warning that the pattern cannot be placed.

When this is false, OTM skips this stringent check so you have more freedom to create patterns. The default is false.

glog.optimization.containerloading.remnantspace.length.threshold 24A

This property is used to define the minimum threshold for length for the new spaces which get created when an item is placed inside a container. This improves the packing logic by eliminating the tiny spaces. 

By default, the value of this property is 0.005.

glog.optimization.containerloading.remnantspace.volume.threshold 24A

This property is used to define the minimum threshold for volume for the new spaces which get created when an item is placed inside a container. This improves the packing logic by eliminating the tiny spaces. 

By default, the value of this property is 0.



This property is used with the iterative savings algorithm. It is used to specify maximum number of pairs of shipments to be considered while combining them. The value should be an integer greater than 1. The default is 10.



This property is used with the iterative savings algorithm. It is used to initialize the random number generator. Changing this value will change the resulting shipments from bulkplan. The default value is 0.


















These properties control the maximum number of MIP files generated for each optimization task. Default is 10.



When true, for the multi-stop algorithm types Column Generation or Complete Enumeration, the set covering MIP problem will be written to the OTM logging directory as "SetCover.lp".



For each leg that has ground schedules, network routing will consider leg options for each ground schedule shipment that is available on that leg.

The nominal cost for each ground schedule leg option is zero. However, network routing will use its own internal cost penalty to prefer earlier ground schedule shipments, and to prefer partially utilized ground schedule shipments over empty ground schedule shipments. This penalty can be set using this property.

The default is 20.



This property defines how many days to consider for leg options in the routing decision phase of network routing. The default is 5.



This property defines how many days to consider for order route in the routing decision phase of network routing. The default is -1.

Note: When set to -1, the property glog.optimization.networkrouting.useMultipleIterationSolve should be set to true, meaning let the multiple pass solution automatically control the value.

If this property is set to be a positive value, OTM will use the input value for route expansion.



This property is associated with the multiple pass approach. The value set by this property basically defines the iteration upper bound for the multiple pass approach. The default is 5.



This property controls whether to use a multiple pass approach to solve the network routing with carrier capacity. When set to true, OTM gradually expands the favorable routes with carrier capacity, which effectively restricts the size of the optimization problem. When set to false, OTM expands all the routes with carrier capacity directly. The default is true.



This enables you to choose not to go through routing optimization logic when using network routing. This may be desirable when the planning scenario does not involve any routing decisions, but when network routing must be turned on (for example when using work assignments in bulk plan). When this is enabled (set to true), network routing will use much simpler logic to choose a route. The default is false.

Setting this property to true is equivalent to setting the ROUTING SOLUTION METHOD parameter to the option "Simple Solve With Rating - Rate the network".



With this property,determines how scoring logic will place higher priority and lower priority releases.

For example, you have high priority order releases, and low priority order releases. OTM packs some high priority order release into the container. There is some space left, which OTM cannot place one more high priority box, but can place a few more low priority order boxes in. With this property set to false (the default), OTM will put those low priority boxes in. When true, OTM will not.

When setting this property to true, the parameter USE LAST CONTAINER PRIORITY HEURISTIC should also be set to true.

See Heuristics Algorithms – 3D Based.



This property is used when using 3D scoring mechanism. It is used to initialize the random number generator. Changing this value can change the resulting shipments from bulkplan. Default value is 0.



This property determines if OTM will call the 3D scoring mechanism in Multistop. If set to "1" (the default), OTM will call 3D scoring in multistop (when 3D Scoring mechanism is enabled). If set to" 0", OTM will not call the 3D scoring mechanism in multistop.

The parameter CONSIDER SCORING LOGIC IN 3D PLACEMENT must also be enabled.

glog.optimization.packingsolver.maxConoptdata 24A This specifies the maximum number of conopt data xml files that can be written to output directory.



This property specifies the maximum number of equipment that can be used in the packing solution.

The default value of this property is 100,000.





OTM has the ability to terminate a bulk plan when using auto-generated pattern logic and also to log a warning when there is an excessive number of items (or ship units) sent in when creating the patterns. The number of items deemed excessive can be adjusted with these properties added for Single Item Pattern Generator and Double Item Pattern Generator.

If the number of different types of items exceeds the number specified by the properties, OTM will skip the logic that generates patterns and will place the items using item-by-item 3D load configuration placements.

The defaults are 10 and 20 respectively.



This property is used to give priority to FULL user-defined patterns (UDP) first. (Also see the parameter USE FULL USER DEFINED PATTERNS FIRST.)

When the parameter is set to 'true', the MIP assigns a reward to each pattern using a function. A variable is introduced to give priority to FULL patterns. A fixed value of 15800 is assigned for this reward through this property.

Note: Increasing this value will not cause an issue and might be required in case of a large number of FULL patterns. But decreasing this value too low (for example, to less than 100) might not give enough preference to the FULL patterns and the default behavior would be expected.

Default: 15800

glog.optimization.packingSolver.LoadConfigPackingMethod.skipAxleWeights 24A

This property determines if the axle weight calculation is done. User needs to set this property, and explicitly turn it off to disable the calculation. By default, calculation is done. 



If your load bearing weight is zero "0" or unlimited, you can set this to true to save run time in 3D load configuration.

The parameter LOAD CONFIG IGNORE MAX TOP WEIGHT CONSTRAINT should be set to false.

The default is false.


This property controls whether weekend restrictions must be used with HERE while planning multistop shipments.

Default: false.



This specifies the OTM component used to check location capacity constraints during service time calculations.



If true, this allows you to suppress the wait time due to unavailability of work periods on the calendar. The default is false.



This needs to be set as follows to use weekend restrictions with HERE:



If using weekend restriction, wait time may be longer than necessary. A time step was introduced to allow more granular start time adjustments for shipments when trying to remove or reduce time introduced by weekend restrictions. The start time is adjusted forward by increments defined by the property.

Setting the property to zero will be the same as if the property did not exist. That is, OTM will rely on time windows associated with other time checks (such as location calendars and order windows) to determine shipment start time adjustments and may not find the earliest or best start time.

With the default value of 4 hours, the drive algorithm should find a best start time that is within 4 hours of the earliest best start time. You can set this value to be lower to maybe find a better start time but processing time will be impacted.



Controls whether the converted driveable/driveable nodes etc. are to be written to a file for standalone testing.

Default: False

glog.optimization.tourbuilder.useMultiThreadingInSavingsCalculation 24A This property determines whether multi-threading is used in savings calculation in tour builder algorithms such as continuous moves and work assignment.

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