Configuration and Administration

glog.trackingevent Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


New in Version




If the property is set to true, then remark details on an tracking event are copied to the order event page.

Default: False



Indicates whether to publish the lifetime event TRACKING EVENT - PROCESSING REQUEST at the time of event creation.

Default: True

A parameter, PUBLISH PROCESSING REQUEST ON CREATION, provides the same functionality if this property is left to its default value of True. If the property is set to false, the parameter is ineffective.

glog.trackingevent.sShipUnits.displayRefnum 24A

Displays the reference number value in the drop list along with the Ship Unit for the corresponding qualifier. If there is no reference number with that qualifier then the application does not show the reference number value.

There is no default value.



Controls the searching range of the event date for the View Tracking Events smartlinks on the following managers: buy shipment, sell shipment, equipment, driver, power unit, and tracking event. It is relative to the current time and defined in days. For days back, use negative number. For example, a range of -3,1 will include events with event dates from three days in the past to one day in the future.

The default is null, meaning no restrictions.

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